A real unforgettable experience with the Kokotsakis family and all their shepherd friends. Great company, lots of fun for us visitors, with quite a bit of serious insight of the shepherds’ life in the Cretan villages! This is one event of a series whereas all the guys have their own flock of maybe a few hundred sheep each. Everyone helps the others, so they go day by day, from one farm to the other, until all the flock in the area get their new haircut for the summer.
About the Author
Ildiko Berecz is an intuitive mentor, coach and holistic therapist who is passionate about sharing her inspiring personal stories from behind the mountains of Crete island, while being on the road, searching and experiencing, capturing, collecting, distilling, making herbal preparations, blending botanical perfume and more. She offers her insights of authentic approach and humble practices for better understanding and appreciation of nature, herbal remedies and awareness of trustworthy natural applications in our self-development and everyday life practices.

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