With a profound holistic perspective on life, my work focuses on transformative personal and professional developments through therapeutic work, consultations, coaching and mentoring sessions.

The consultations can embrace various areas of aromatic life – from personal healing and therapeutic work, aromatic life coaching, or working with plants as a forager, grower, herbalist and distiller. This is your invite into the richness of this experience to benefit from both my intuitive guidance and educated knowledge as the source of wisdom in teaching and empowering you to walk your own path with more courage, happiness and fulfilment.

Scroll down for personal consultation options below >>>

Where can I help you?

The various life-transformation consultation modalities I provide are all beautiful opportunities to make steps towards harmony with yourself that is a base for a life in harmony with one another and with the Universe.

> Personal Alchemy Sessions
> Plant Messages Sessions
> Aromatherapy Consultations
> Distill Yourself Consultations


Personal Alchemy Sessions​

These individual sessions are intensive, focused, but free-style dialogues, reflections and teachings to make you feel more free, courageous and creative in promoting your own balance, inner peace and transformation.

Personal Alchemy Sessions are my individual life-transformation consultations combining elements in a wide spectrum of areas. Wisdom from energy medicine, aromatherapy, kinesiology, aromatic kinesiology, plant essences, mystic alchemy and spiritual disciplines applied with empathy, intuiting knowing and as a spirit-led guide. I am offering them with great pleasure when:

Thinking about change?

Online via Zoom/Skype/Whatsup
or in-person at my aromatic sanctuary.

Personal Alchemy
60 min session: 80 Eur
90 min session: 120 Eur

Plant Messages Sessions

The Plant Messages Session is a treat of its own kind, using my sensitivity for subtle energies, aromatic experiences for a truly holistic approach to life, and a brilliant card set as a bridging tool to offer you abundant inspiration. These consultations are guided readings where you learn about yourself through the qualities of the plants.

Bespoke transformative aromatic Plants Card Reading sessions are full of inspiration, specific information, and down-to-earth implementation to assist you in the processes of change from the theoretical to the very practical. We reflect on important aspects of life to gain clarity for directions. These powerful readings gained well-deserved popularity and an important place in my work. You may seek out guidance any time of the year, or on special occasions.

Need a quick clarity pop-up?

Online via Zoom/Skype/Whatsup
or in-person at my aromatic sanctuary.

Plant Messages
Session only: 80 Eur
Session with personal blend: 100 Eur

Aromatherapy Consultation

My Aromatherapy Consultation is for you if you are seeking specialised yet holistic support to enhance your wellbeing and self-care. As a certified clinical aromatherapist and educator, I offer friendly, pleasant and effective solutions for regaining your balance and enhancing your vitality.

Bespoke aromatherapy formulations to support and enrich many aspects of life. Blended holistically from truly the highest quality materials to restore and promote balance on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. So, how about discussing some personalized aromatherapy blends for you?

healing with aromatics?

Online via Zoom/Skype/Whatsup
or in-person at my aromatic sanctuary.

Aromatherapy Consultations
60 min session: 80 Eur
90 min session: 120 Eur
Plus customised personal blends subject to client.

The Essential Session

The Essential Session is my bespoke half-day retreat offering. A true gift when it comes to holistic self-care, and a special treat of its kind with deep rejuvenation in a natural flow. Experienced as a beautiful rebirthing process all through the systems from the mind to the body, realigning with your Soul.

With three treatments combined in one, this Essential Session starts with the comprehensive and inspiring personalised aromatherapy coaching session, with intuitive selection of the aromatic plants and essential oils for your healing journey. An artistic ritual that frees your mind and brings you back to your body. You will be treated in a bespoke flowing full-body oil massage with Hawaiian Lomi-Lomi principles and ancient healing traditions of Curanderismo. A carefully designed ceremony to hold space for you to receive guidance and connect with your Higher Self. 

Value presence, me-time and pampering?

In-person at my aromatic sanctuary, prepare for 3-4 hours of ‘time-disappears’ session.

The Essential Session
3-in-1 half-day retreat: 180 Eur
You will also leave with a customised personal aromatic blend in hand.


If you need support, find it now!

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