One of the first co-creation projects that are taking shape now and I am happy to share it on my website is a QiGong retreat program in Crete. Long story short, this is when three women from different walks of life, all dedicated to personal development, decide to continue manifesting their dreams in a next level. The beauty of this this project that all three are from Hungary. One is linked to Shaolin with regular visits, masters and training there. Another moved to Crete, and the third lady is one of the most creative people I know with one leg in the business world, and the other is finely set in arts. If she was not a human being, but an octopus, I would just start telling about the rest of her tentacles…
Anyway, the retreat is built around QiGong with Krisztina Fuchs who is an international teacher. She has been trained and practicing authentic QiGong in the Shaolin Temple where this discipline originated centuries ago. She teaches this knowledge on the highest level a European teacher is allowed to do.
The Marathon QiGong week-long practice will be seasoned by alternative programs around Crete. I was invited by the chief organiser and my dear friend Noémi Péli to compose and guide these inspirational events to complete the week with local experiences, aromatic journeys, fresh thoughts and memorable feelings for a fully-recharged return to a new beginning.
The program leaflet is mainly in Hungarian, as Krisztina is bringing a group from Hungary. However, if you feel like joining the retreat, please get in touch with any of us for further information.