Angels are an infinite source of inspiration. They are always with us or around us, whether we notice or not. They help from higher realms, and many times they are apparently Angels on Earth.
I was introduced to one of them a few years ago and in a slow delicate dance, our connection has become more fluent, intimate and trustful. Through so many occurrences and encounters, the inspiration and support lead to amazing moves and manifestations.
Angels have their significant days that call for celebrations too, so when the event occurred to meet and rejoice on a bubbling evening, I prepared myself with something distinct.
Sort of building on the intentions and qualities drawn up in my Love & Harmony and Happy Days blends, I called upon the essential oils of Rose and Neroli to cuddle and elevate the citruses – Bergamot, Mandarine, Orange and Grapefruit -, and tune in through Rose Geranium of Egypt, Palmarosa and Rosewood. Sweet support from Clove bud, more joyous freedom from Benzoe and warm balsamic presence of Tolu symbolise wings of ground stability. The final touch is coming from the exquisite spicy nature of Wintergreen that is elegantly striking, yet deliciously playful.
What more to add? A combination of Rose water, Greek Metaxa infused with Cretan Jasmine flowers and…
Love, Love, Love.
Originally designed for a spray perfume bottle, Angelic Champagne got translated into a solid perfume and packed for Christmas to please the Angels while listening their songs.
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