It’s been two years now when I first put Love & Harmony in a bottle to share with others. It was born from the idea that my sweet and calming aromatherapy water spray could be a perfect gift to anyone far and wide.
The praise from my gifted receivers was beyond imaginary and I created more and more batches of this nurturing multi-purpose spritzer. When sprayed on the face you can immediately smell the gentle care from lavender as a background caretaker. Putting all over the body might ignite a sensual feeling while having a rendez-vous with rose, ylang ylang and sandalwood. Originally designed for a bed-time ceremonial scent to calm down the mind and promote sleeping, it can be used to ease and uplift the Soul in literally any occasion.
Over the years as I started to share my passion and pure hand-made aromatherapy goodies with others, the creation process called for my inner child to play. Occasionally I say that in another life I would like (if I had not done that before…) to follow the path of a calligrapher, an illustrator or maybe an interior designer – you know all these people who are engaged in beauty and harmony. In our given dimension, I let myself drawn into the joy of designing my own labels and personalise them to really reflect my intentions with the production.
My little precious bottles and whoever gets acquainted with their content need to be introduced to each other by clear and informative messengers. While changing something in every step on the way before every new small batch of my custom-made labels are printed, it makes me sentimental to look back how the first handwritten ones looked like in 2015. Curious? See their birth in my post The perfect gift is Love & Harmony.