Organic, extra virgin, cold-pressed

Greeks first began pressing olives over 5,000 years ago. In this little-known small family-run olive oil factory in the village of Vafes they still use cold-press method, combining old traditions with new inox equipment. There are not so many of these outstanding places left where hands and human energy help the process of cold-pressed extraction providing olive oil that retains its full nutritional value…

I had a chance to visit the small olive mill run by the Voloudakis family once my friend Joelle had her crop from the first few days of picking olives. On her organic land, where she also has a beautiful yurt, they follow the practices of permaculture by the help of rotating volunteers from all over the world.

Enjoy the photo report from the olive factory!


Picture of ildiko


About the Author

Ildiko Berecz is an intuitive mentor, coach and holistic therapist who is passionate about sharing her inspiring personal stories from behind the mountains of Crete island, while being on the road, searching and experiencing, capturing, collecting, distilling, making herbal preparations, blending botanical perfume and more. She offers her insights of authentic approach and humble practices for better understanding and appreciation of nature, herbal remedies and awareness of trustworthy natural applications in our self-development and everyday life practices. 

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