As the weather so the landscape is offering a bit of summer blending into automn on the last day of September. A few drops of rain, yet only the ones sitting on the leaves, and taken into dance by the wind. That’s why a Sunday walk at the foothills of the White Mountains of Crete is something to enjoy with every parts and senses.

Only the bells break the silence, and of course, we would give way to the wild goats watching them in peaceful admiration. We also pose to witness the wonderful plants still in flowers, as well as the ones surrendering to the wind of change blending their colours into the fall of times.

Beyond the many beauties hanging around the plant kingdom at this time of the year, there is something really outstanding. Literally, mullein looks pretty dramatic compared to summer when it’s in flowers. Looking like amazons on the battlefield, they lined up as if there was a witch coven going on there!

Oh mullein, you are one of those so misunderstood, whilst being such a pretty useful healing plant. Mullein (Verbascum) is a biennial with beautiful rosette of leaves in its first year of growth, then in her second year developing majestic yellow flowers. On this magical field there were still some young ones, while most of the plants were old wise ladies.