All of us have our shadows, but to learn to bring them into matching the light is what it takes to come to a joyful life. Creating a new edition of my Feminine Flow perfume balm this afternoon spontaneously offered some amazing discoveries. What do you see there?

Creating an oil blend is always a sacred ceremony, slowing into the process, and letting the flow be the creator. I love to play with the drops and watch them taking shapes as they merge. Can you see the delicate moves of this yarrow woman? I felt it’s pretty amazing as she appeared in the making of the ‘Feminine Flow’, one of those natural scents that I put on my skin so very often.
True Bulgarian Rose, Jasmine, Patchouli, Immortelle, Bay Laurel, Rose Geranium & Yarrow, with a hint of Sage… Imagine what they have to offer. As emerging women circles all around the world… sharing all their wisdom and working towards connecting more with Mother Earth.