Herbal Rinse & Shine for Hair

Herbal Rinse & Shine for Hair

It’s all about creating goodness, beauty & wellness. And I’m still surprised sometimes about richness in my life. Today was about HAIR and I made scalp massage oil blends that smell fantastic with essential oils of rosemary, holy basil & ginger. But the real fun was to make an infusion with herbs I dried myself and nettle that I just picked freshly from the garden! All nicely mixed together with my hydrosols, apple cider vinegar and more fantastic essential oils! 

Nettle, Rosemary. Sage

I have come across many recipes for natural hair tonic. I think the real art of making it is finding a balance with the ingredients, especially that vinegar might easily take over… and would you want to smell like that? Nooooo. I have developed my formula using a great recipe from Rosemary Gladstar’s Herbs for Natural Beauty book, combining it with what I had at hand and in mind as an inspiration.

Here is my ingredient list

Part 1

120 ml Rosemary hydrosol (Rosmarinus officinalis)
120 ml Green Lemon hydrosol (Citrus limon)
60 ml of Apple Cider vinegar
4 tbsp Rosemary dried leaves (Rosmarinus officinalis)
4 tbsp Greek Sage dried leaves (Salvia pomifera)
A bunch of fresh nettles from the garden

The Making of Herbal Vinegar Infusion for Hair

I mixed the hydrosols and the vinegar, added all the herbs, dried and fresh, covered them and brought to almost boiling. Then I removed the pot from heat and let them steep for about 2 hours. Once cooled down, I strain out the herbs and add my blend of essential oils as:

Ingredient list Part 2

5 drops of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
2 drops of Basil (Ocimum basilicum ssp basilicum)
1 drop of Lemon (Citrus limon)
1 drop of Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
1 drop of Indian Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus)

Stirring to blend well, and putting into a storage container.
Supposedly, it keeps for about 2 weeks, or 4 weeks if stored in refrigerator.

Herbal Rinse & Shine for Hair

How to use?

Shake the bottle well to blend again before use.
Wash your hair, squeeze excess water and apply the infusion as needed. May depend on your hair, but perhaps around 15-30 ml, which corresponds about 1/4 or 1/2 cup. 
Gently massage your skalp for 2-3 minutes and rinse with warm water. Some people would just leave the infusion on. Well, you can also rinse one more time, and if you dare, do it with cold water to promote circulation! 

Herbal Rinse & Shine for Hair


Picture of ildiko


About the Author

Ildiko Berecz is an intuitive mentor, coach and holistic therapist who is passionate about sharing her inspiring personal stories from behind the mountains of Crete island, while being on the road, searching and experiencing, capturing, collecting, distilling, making herbal preparations, blending botanical perfume and more. She offers her insights of authentic approach and humble practices for better understanding and appreciation of nature, herbal remedies and awareness of trustworthy natural applications in our self-development and everyday life practices. 

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Study with Ildiko

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