The beauty, abundance, and slow pace Crete offers is perfect to step out, to start a discovery, to learn. An opportunity to embrace connecting with Nature and Yourself, and be more engaged on the path of authentic conscious living.

The Personal Alchemy Retreat is my holistic retreat program where I invite you with the aim to boost your creativity, intuition, and sensory awareness through reflective activities and botanical field trips, while giving an insight into the very essence of a truly aromatic lifestyle that I have lived on Crete. I share over 10 years of experience engaged with the ever-inspiring medicinal and aromatic plants of the island.

It’s a very individual journey where I am your guide holding the space, showing the way, opening some doors and if needed, encourage you closing some chapters. We become co-creative partners to promote transformative, life-changing processes.

Is this Personal Alchemy program for you?

> Individual private retreats
> Small-group arrangements
> Dates and details by request

Get in touch to share a bit of your background, your intentions, a proposed timeframe of your personal alchemy trip, so we find the right arrangements for you.



Your transformative journey in the passionate Mediterranean atmosphere is a life-changing opportunity to make steps towards harmony with yourself that is a base for a life in harmony with one another, lived in health, happiness and creativity.

More on Alchemy Retreats

Ildiko hosts transformative co-creative study programs on Crete island surrounded by her beloved aromatic and medicinal plants. She dedicates her time to be present with her visitors and share as much of the magic as each encounter transpires. 

With your personal energy involved, Ildiko completely re-creates and uniquely personalises the alchemical work from the ingredients that show up at the time of your participation. 
The blessings and benefits you receive may be best experienced by allowing a flow of life with openness, acceptance and appreciation.

If you like to enjoy a shared experience with friends, soul-sisters, family members or colleagues, the program is available for small groups. Opportunities for free-spirited explorations.

Did you think about inviting someone special?

An aromatic friend from your area or one from another part of the planet? Maybe a family member to grow together, or your lovely mate from yoga class? How about a friend from a social media group?

Join together and let’s find the dates that work for everyone!

> All year around, unique per season
> Subject to availability
> Program runs per request


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