"The beauty of working with Plants is that they give us a chance to gradually re-connect with the many layers of wisdom, one step at a time, always offering as much as you are able to receive in order to penetrate any given level."

We are in the process of remembering and re-learning age-old wisdom that has somewhat been loosing its presence and significance in the last generations of humankind. Connecting ourselves with Nature, treasuring her gifts and empowering ourselves by bringing this direct connection into our everyday life is a major support in leading a healthy life-style, maintaining our well-being and healing unbalances of mind, body and soul.


Presence in Nature is equally important to herbal products as food, beauty and medicine.

Traditional Herbal Medicine

Our ancestors intuitively perceived the wisdom of nature. They connected to the many wonders of trees, flowers and herbs through direct experience. The knowledge they acquired has been in use for over thousands of years. This accumulated knowledge is now being examined and further developed by science, organized into a new framework for modern man.

Dig into the basics and review some of the classic forms and ways medicinal herbs can be applied, since time immemorial these have been available to us for supporting a healthy body, mind and spirit. Most probably you have encountered some of the common uses of medicinal plants, such as fresh or dried herbs in your life. In addition, it can be beneficial and self-empowering to learn about the wonderful possibilities that tinctures, macerates, infused oils, essential oils and aroma waters have to offer, and to explore other aspects and modalities of energy medicine such us flower essences. If you are looking for clarity and some practical magic, sign up for a class!

Check-in with us to see when is a good time for your pop-in class at our aromatic sanctuary >>>

Pick & Prepare


Day classes are usually from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, and can be adjusted as necessary.

Unless stated differently, contribution for the day class is €180 with the following options:

1 person  €180
2 people €220 in total
3 people or more, add €30 /person

> Please contact for more information, personal dates and arrangements.


Genuine Nature of Plants

Let’s not forget that medicinal plants – just like us human beings – are children of nature! They gain their true strength from nature, and we must respect that from the very beginning of our work with them, both during their growth, and when harvesting and processing plants. It is also important that our products that are ‘made from plants’ contain only natural raw materials, free from ‘all that stuff’ and free from synthetic ingredients. Whether we use them as food, for wellness, cosmetics, ceremonial or medicinal purposes!

Various forms of using medicinal herbs provide us with plenty of opportunities to choose the method that is most suitable for needs and purposes. Depending on the individual herb, they may offer their best in different ways. It is paramount to have proper knowledge about herbs and their applications in order to use them safely and effectively. Until you become completely comfortable with this area, it is always recommended to consult an expert, a herbalist or other therapist in the field. If you want to start learning the basics now, come and attend our inspiring class with Cretan herbals!

Check-in with us to see when is a good time for your pop-in class at our aromatic sanctuary >>>

A Quick Hello To Herbs!


Half day classes are with a duration up to 3 hours. This is to meet and hang out together in an easygoing manner, learn about the plants and our work.

To keep our activities ‘sustainable’ we have a minimum €100 contribution per person, with the following options:

1 person  €100
2 people  €140 in total
3 people or more,  add €20 /person

> Please contact for more information, personal dates and arrangements.


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